
Circlet Hoop Earrings

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Handcrafted using hypoallergenic sterling silver and 18k gold plating, each piece in our Demi-Fine Collection is artisan-made and unique. Treat yourself or someone special to a keepsake that will live on and look stunning. 

Stay elegant and timeless with our Circlet Hoop Earrings. Featuring a beautiful natural white topaz stone, this elevated hoop design comes in a duo of ultra-luxe finishes: anti-tarnish Sterling Silver and 18k gold plating. 

Materials + Details 


 18K Gold + Sterling Silver
Hypoallergenic 18k plated gold over .925 sterling silver or .925 sterling silver.

 Topaz Stone
White topaz stone. 4mm diameter.

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- Packaged in a custom Pura Vida pouch that doubles as a cleaning cloth.
- Want to make your Demi-Fine jewelry last longer? Check out these tips!